"Recently, we have seen a lot of demand for AAV vectors," Gil-Goncalves told ScienceBoard.net at the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy (ASGCT) 2022 annual meeting in Washington, DC. However, she said current production methods "require a lot of material" and "impurity at the end of the process can be a concern."
Those two challenges can be overcome with Cevec's Elevecta platform because production does not require any plasmid or helper virus, according to Gil-Goncalves. Cevec provides manufacturing solutions for two of the most widely used gene therapy vectors: the CAP Ad platform for production of adenoviral vectors, and the Elevecta platform based on producer cell lines that can be used for AAV manufacturing.
At ASGCT 2022, CEVEC's Julia Hölper, senior scientist for cell line development, provided a poster presentation on stable helper virus-free Elevecta producer cells for AAV vector manufacturing.
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