June 17, 2020 |
Top Stories
Cloaked nanoparticles may be a powerful therapy against coronaviruses
Nanoparticles cloaked with human cell membranes can attract and neutralize SARS-CoV-2, according to a new publication in Nano Letters on June 17. The process of binding to the virus hijacks its ability to replicate, making it a viable medical countermeasure against the virus.
Optofluidics aids cell line development for antibody-based therapies
Implementation of optofluidics in cell line development can help advance multiple lead candidate molecules with increased screening capacity. A researcher from GlaxoSmithKline discussed how her team uses an optofluidic system in a June 15 presentation at the BioProcess International Spring Digital Week's 2020 virtual meeting.
Analytical Chemistry
Manufacturers adapt technologies for hand sanitizers during COVID-19
Changes to manufacturing processes have emerged to meet the demand of certain products during the COVID-19 pandemic, including hand sanitizer. The chemical composition of hand sanitizer is carefully regulated, and analytical techniques are now being repurposed to assist in rapid production efforts.
Are interferons helpful or harmful during SARS-CoV-2 infection?
The host immune system produces a variety of regulatory molecules, including interferons, during a response to viral infection. Although previously considered beneficial, these proteins may actually cause life-threatening inflammation, according to an article published in Science on June 11.
Bioprocessing Sponsored by MilliporeSigma
Cancer & Disease Research
Cell Biology
Optofluidics aids cell line development for antibody-based therapies
Implementation of optofluidics in cell line development can help advance multiple lead candidate molecules with increased screening capacity. A researcher from GlaxoSmithKline discussed how her team uses an optofluidic system in a June 15 presentation at the BioProcess International Spring Digital Week's 2020 virtual meeting.
Drug Discovery & Development
Cloaked nanoparticles may be a powerful therapy against coronaviruses
Nanoparticles cloaked with human cell membranes can attract and neutralize SARS-CoV-2, according to a new publication in Nano Letters on June 17. The process of binding to the virus hijacks its ability to replicate, making it a viable medical countermeasure against the virus.
NIH researchers investigate virulence of SARS-CoV-2 virus
What makes the SARS-CoV-2 virus so virulent? Researchers from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) analyzed the genomics of the virus -- and compared it to other coronaviruses -- in a June 10 article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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