March 26, 2021 -- Bruker has unveiled its permanent-magnet Fourier 80 system, an 80-MHz Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance (FT-NMR) benchtop spectrometer for multinuclear gradient spectroscopy.
The Fourier 80 system is available in the U.S. and Canada and does not require cryogen. The system has improved lineshape, 20% better resolution, and higher sensitivity in homonuclear 1H or heteronuclear gradient-spectroscopy FT-NMR experiments, Bruker said.
New features on the Fourier 80 include a heteronuclear 1H/31P configuration for food analysis, biological, or medicinal research applications, organometallic chemistry, and more.
Also included in the Fourier 80 system is a pulsed gradient -- used in high-field NMR gradient spectroscopy for decades to obtain nearly artifact-free spectra. The optional PAL sample changer can run up to 132 samples, including 12 reference samples, Bruker added.
The machine can be operated by GoScan software for NMR beginners, or by Bruker's TopSpin NMR software with the TopSpin library of 1D and 2D homonuclear and heteronuclear experiments and pulse programs.
In other Bruker news, the firm debuted its newest supercon FT-NMR spectrometer, the AvanceCore. The two-channel 400-MHz NMR system is available at a lower price than the Fourier 80.
Lastly, Bruker rolled out its compact benchtop electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer (EPR) system that weighs only 45 kg -- the Magnettech Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) 5000. It can fit on a bench or in a fume hood and will detect, quantify, and characterize paramagnetic species, unpaired electrons, free radicals, reactive oxygen species, and transition metal complexes, Bruker said.