Sengenics launches autoantibody profiling service

By The Science Advisory Board staff writers

March 23, 2022 -- Sengenics has launched a new autoantibody profiling service that could improve the discovery of autoantibody disease biomarkers. The profiling service, known as the Pan-Autoimmune Protein Array 1.0, is a multiplexed immunoassay based on protein microarrays.

It uses Sengenics' KREX protein folding technology and computational analysis to aid in the identification of 110 known antigens related to autoimmune diseases.

The product assists researchers in compiling more quantitative data during the investigation of new autoantibody biomarkers in regard to a particular autoimmune disease. The profiling service is able to make the process more efficient and cost effective, allowing researchers to expand their study applications to cancers and various neurological disorders as well, the company said.

Additional applications include aiding in early diagnosis, differentiation of various autoimmune diseases, and classification of diseases by severity.

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