What Are The "Research Participation" Statistics On My Profile?

December 4, 2023 --

Your member profile features consulting "Research Participation" statistics associated with your Science Advisory Board account. 


Invitations: this data indicates the number of online research projects you have been invited to participate in (according to our master records 2013-now).

There are 3 types of survey invitations: 

  • Paid surveys (market research to specific segments of our panel)
  • Screener surveys (identifying potential participants for phone interviews or in-person consulting opportunities)
  • General interest bioethics surveys (part of our donations program)

Responses: this data indicates the number of online research projects you have successfully completed


Why am I not receiving more survey invitations?

The Science Advisory Board invites members from around the world to participate in a variety of consulting opportunities, paid surveys, and general interest bioethics research projects. Our paid surveys and consulting opportunities are funded by BioInformatics LLC, which provides market research to science/medical lab tool and equipment manufacturers.


In order for us to provide research studies that correspond to your credentials and field(s) of expertise, we encourage you to update your member profile.


The Science Advisory Board and its sponsor market research firm, BioInformatics LLC, are rapidly growing and will be offering a variety of new research opportunities to various segments of our panel. However, opportunities are dependent on our client's needs, so we are unfortunately unable to guarantee consistent survey opportunities for all of our members. 

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