Mission Bio debuts new capabilities for cell, gene therapy

By The Science Advisory Board staff writers

October 12, 2021 -- Mission Bio has unveiled its Tapestri Cell & Gene Therapy Solutions, a new addition to its Tapesti platform that can provide analytical characterization of genotype with phenotype simultaneously.

Designed to facilitate faster and more reliable characterization of cell and gene therapy products, the new assays and capabilities enable cell and gene therapy companies to begin measuring multiple attributes in the same cells at the same time, according to the firm. As a result, these companies can replace the data aggregation and correlation process from multiple assays, platforms, and workflows, Mission Bio said.

With Tapestri Cell & Gene Therapy Solutions, single-cell characterization can be performed on cells that have been genetically altered using viral or gene-editing tools like CRISPR, Mission Bio said. Multiple aspects of each cell are measured in a single assay, such as lentiviral transduction efficiency paired with vector copy number or on-target CRISPR editing along with off-target and translocation events, according to the company.

Furthermore, immunophenotypic markers can be added to further enrich the dataset, providing information about each cell type and state, Mission Bio said.

Mission Bio updates platform to expand heme-onc research
Mission Bio has improved its Tapestri platform to expand its accessibility and utility in hematologic oncology (heme-onc) research.

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