Thermo Fisher supports biopharma discovery with extended collaboration

By The Science Advisory Board staff writers

March 2, 2022 -- Thermo Fisher Scientific and Symphogen have agreed to continue their collaboration to provide biopharmaceutical discovery and development laboratories with innovative tools and streamlined workflows for efficient characterization of complex therapeutic proteins.

Since the collaboration began in 2018, Symphogen has adopted new and innovative instruments and software to improve data quality and processes to develop, test, and routinely implement platform workflows for intact and native mass analysis of therapeutic monoclonal antibody mixtures.

Most recently, the implementation of the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris MX Mass Detector has allowed for the highest level of data confidence and an efficient workflow, with seamless method transfer from development instruments. This new system adds to Symphogen’s range of high-resolution accurate mass (HRAM) mass spectrometry technologies, including the Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Plus Orbitrap Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry system and the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 240 and 480 Mass Spectrometers.

These systems will be controlled using the Thermo Scientific Chromeleon Chromatography Data System software, allowing secure, remote operations and data processing from anywhere in the world, providing working flexibility and improved data protection, according to the firms.

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